Be a part of our global partner network

The only Enterprise Execution SaaS Application developed from a CEO and Business Perspective

Partner Advantages

According to Gartner and other analysts, CEOs will also move from working analog to using a digital application – be early in a new and strong trend.

Our partners integrate a Monthly Recurring Revenue-model to their existing business with a 12+month standard notice period in contracts. For our best partners, it can mean both a doubling of profit levels and more than a tripling of their company value – with an investment of only 4-5 hours.

We give our partners the opportunity to increase their relevance at the CEO-level, and to stay relevant over time, by being strategically most important throughout the execution process. Our sales model is based on relevance and ROI and is backed-up by provable acceleration. By selling directly at CEO-level, the margins exceed the typical management consultancy scope.

Quickly assess where your consultancy services are needed and quickly move on to paid consultancy projects with your customer’s CEOs with Assessment™. The easy-to-use tool immediately adds value for the end customer while effectively identifying their pain points. In just one year, the sales- and analysis tool has tripled our sales to CEOs.

A SaaS solution is a great complement to a consultancy business model. Additionally, you as a Partner support the customer throughout the strategy execution. Additionally, there is a 100% digital product and delivery.

Strategic Partnership

As CEOs evolve from analog methods to digital tools, position yourself at the forefront of this trend, enhancing your strategic value to customers.

Enhanced Profitability & Revenue

Highlight measurable acceleration alongside improved revenue and profit, surpassing what's typically achievable with traditional consulting services.

Sustainable Revenue Stream

Cultivate a consistent revenue model with enduring agreements, ensuring customer retention and satisfaction.

Streamlined Onboarding

Benefit from a ready-to-implement engagement model complete with proven sales materials and training processes, making it simple to integrate Howwe into your existing service offering.

Competitive differentiation

Target decision-makers: Empower CEOs to fast-track their key performance outcomes—increased revenue, profit, and shareholder value—through our tailored Assessment and Execution Ready tools, enhancing your sales pitch to the C-suite.

Join Howwe in tackling the CEO’s business challenges

Most CEOs have been slow to embrace digitalization, with only 5% using an application for accelerated strategy execution. Additionally, only 20% of strategy executions are completed on time.

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The CEO SaaS Platform

Howwe is a business-critical software designed from a CEO and business perspective. It enables CEOs, managers, and employees to accelerate the execution of strategic goals and align the entire company horizontally, vertically, and cross-functionally.


Key Benefits of Howwe

Identify New Business Opportunities with Assessment™

Our Assessment tool is technology independent and in less than one hour you can assess the likelihood of success with the CEOs business plan/strategy the next 12 months.

In many cases there is a need for consulting before and during the strategy executions phase.

To validate the Assessment™ results, our strategy team has gathered international top-tier research and benchmark values from Gartner, MIT, and large global strategy firms, and combined them with the experience and outcomes from thousands of Howwe customer teams.  

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Howwe Technologies helps company achieve their business plan. No matter what goals you’ve set Howwe helps you to achieve them on time

Execution Ready™

Execution Ready™ is a packed step-by-step process starting with an analysis of the governing documents (strategy, business plan, financial statement etc.) followed by Assessment/s (described below) and a series of executive workshops.

A Proven Product in a Market Expected to Grow Exponentially

Proven Sales

Leading Application

Market Potential

Contact to explore partnership opportunities

Ulf Arnetz

Ulf Arnetz

Founder, CEO & Chairman

Partner - North America

Christopher Lundstrom

Christopher Lundstrom

Chief Corporate Development Officer

Partner - North America

Per Forslund

Per Forslund

President & Co-Founder

Partner - Scandinavia

Office in NY

CEOs struggle to execute strategy. Help us change that.

Joint Sales & Delivery Process | Short Onboarding | Fast Sales Process | Increase Revenue within 3 Months

The CEO & The Problem

  • The CEO is the last executive role to embrace digitalization. Only 2-3% are using an application for accelerated strategy execution.
  • Only 10% of all strategy executions today are done on time

Howwe Technologies CEO SaaS Platform  

  • Business-critical application for the CEO (and the entire organization), like a CRM for the EVP of sales or a financial application for the CFO.
  • Howwe’s CEO Application is the first and only software developed from a CEO and business perspective that enables the CEO and all managers/employees to accelerate execution of prioritized strategic goals and align the entire company horizontally, vertically, and cross-functionally.
    • Rapid realignment:
      • In case of disruption the entire organization can be realign and refocused on correct key activities within 2 weeks (15,000 managers/employees).
    • Measurable acceleration (we can show client’s the measured effect of using Howwe)
      • Individual’s and team’s activities connected to measurable top and bottom line and connected to real progress versus timeline (calendar time).
  • Improved Employee Satisfaction Scores
  • ROI is 8-25x already within 12 months (fast onboarding and include role-based Business Automation which creates ”pull/what’s in it for me”).
  • Howwe has a proven acceleration rate of +30% and a minimum ROI between x3.5-25 on EBIT within 12 months for all of our customers.

Advantages for you as a partner

We recognize each Partner’s individual depth of expertise and experience with Howwe, our strategic initiative software and Enterprise Acceleration. That’s we offer a beneficial partnership model where we support our partners throughout the sales and delivery process, which is 100% digital. The market demand is exploding but the products are missing. Howwe is the first true Enterprise Acceleration Software and Strategic initiative software and unique in being able to measure and visualize progress connected to financial results. Become a partner and experience benefits such as:

Recurring revenue with a SaaS subscription model

Our partners integrate a Monthly Recurring Revenue-model to their existing business with a 12+month standard notice period in contracts. For our best partners, it can mean both a doubling of profit levels and more than a tripling of their company value – with an investment of only 4-5 hours

ROI-based selling to CEO

We give our partners the opportunity to increase their relevance at the CEO-level, and to stay relevant over time, by being strategically most important throughout the execution process. Our sales model is based on relevance and ROI and is backed-up by provable acceleration. By selling directly at CEO-level, the margins exceed the typical management consultancy scope.

Free Access to Assessment™

Quickly assess where your consultancy services are needed and quickly move on to paid consultancy projects with your customer’s CEOs with Assessment™. The easy-to-use tool immediately adds value for the end customer while effectively identifying their pain points. In just one year, the sales- and analysis tool has tripled our sales to CEOs.

The SaaS solution is a beneficial addition

A SaaS solution is a great complement to a consultancy business model. Additionally, you as a Partner support the customer throughout the strategy execution. Additionally, there is a 100% digital product and delivery.

Who’s a good fit?

While consultancy services excel at shaping strategy, the ROI from extensive, multi-year consultancy engagements for driving execution remains modest. The landscape of revenue generation is evolving, and recurring income is becoming increasingly attractive. If you work on CEO-level and look for complementary recurring revenues ($450-$1.2M / yr. / customer), increase profits, and get a competitive edge in the market with a minimal time investment, Howwe is for you.


Management consultants

Management consultants with Fortune 1000 customers that already are looking for a digital execution tool, or a strategic initiative software, to ensure progress on what’s most important are a perfect fit!

Execution specialists

If your base is within 4DX, 6Sigma, OKR or a more traditional but execution focused method, but are struggling with your own scalability or length of your engagements – we are a perfect fit!

Strategy consultants

If you work with strategy- performance or transformation consulting and is looking to increase your recurring revenue and share holder value we should meet. Let us show you our strategic initiative software!

Consultant firms

For the own-led consultant firm focusing on BI, data analytics, digitalization or transformation, looking to increase their own company valuation with the addition of MRR in to their business model we are a perfect fit!

The challange we’re here to solve

Leaders struggle to prioritize the most important initiatives Employees don’t know what to focus on,
yet 82% want to contribute.

Executive Team
Mid Management
Team Leaders
Change come fast and often unexpected. With disruption around every corner, it is crucial to adjust and align quickly. Howwe’s strategic initiative software enables a proactive way of working that keeps you on top of your goals, no matter what happens.

Why Execution Fail?

0 %
Fail to narrow down to few, clear prioritizations
0 %
Fail to steer on lead measures driving results and outcome.
0 %
Fail to create accountability and follow-up progress.

There is a need for a digital goal steering tool in order to improve strategy execution by aligning the proactive initiatives.

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A Proven Product in a Market Expected to Grow Exponentially

Proven Sales

Leading Application

Market Potential

Return on investment expected on EBIT up to x25 after
12 months of partnership.

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Embrace the Rapidly Expanding Trend

Cloud-based strategy acceleration is here to stay and thrive

Our European expansion has surpassed all expectations, and we’re only beginning to tap into the market potential. The adoption of this technology is now reaching the early majority. Soon, every company with 200+ employees will be seeking a digital solution for managing their strategy execution.

The future will bring more disruption and increased remote work, further amplifying the need for a sophisticated system that enables mid-to-large size companies and their entire workforce to maintain momentum and adapt to a fast-paced world.

We’re on the verge of a breakthrough. The choice is yours: hold back or embark on this journey with us.

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CEOs Business Challenge - and why they need Howwe to succeed

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Howwe is a GrowthOS that enables a proactive way of working that accelerates growth. 

With our Howwe platform, companies are able to align their strategy and workforce and identify what needs to be prioritized to reach their most important goals.


Prioritize & Align

Our method and software help leaders and managers to prioritize the most important goals for growth and align them throughout all levels of the organization. Clarity is key.


Steer & Measure

When the goals are set, we work together to identify activities driving growth, so that leaders can steer and support teams in order to reach their goals. In time.


Commit & Visualize

The leader’s tool to visualize progress and empower all teams to proactively commit to actions and follow up on the outcomes. 15 minutes a week is all it takes.

Contact to explore partnership opportunities

North America

Ulf Arnetz Portratt 2 scaled 1 Strategic Initiative Software Partners strategic initiative software

Ulf Arnetz

Founder, CEO Chairman

US +1 978 962 1249
SE +46 (0)72 570 50 06
Email: [email protected] 

Scandinavia & Europe

Per Forslund

Per Forslund

President, Co-Founder & Partners Scandinavia

SE +46 (0)70 848 32 48 
Email: [email protected]