Customers of Howwe

We have many amazing customers all over the world. Here’s what some of them have to say

Up to 25x ROI

Return on Investment from 8-25 times in the first 12 months through heavily accelerated financial improvement for all our clients. Start using our acceleration software Howwe and today and get measurable financial results.

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Only 20% of CEOs successfully implement their strategic initiatives within the designated timeline.

With Howwe, CEOs are empowered to lead and navigate change with confidence. By providing the tools to align their workforce and track progress, they can ensure they reach their goals of increased revenue, profit, and shareholder value. No more being caught off guard by disruption, Howwe sets CEOs up for success and gives them the peace of mind to lead with purpose.

How Elitfönster got a ROI of 25x

Elitfönster is Sweden’s largest producer of windows and doors. They use LEAN to optimize their daily steering combined with Howwe to get the strategical steering and the behavioral change needed to reach their goals. 

How NEXER got a ROI of 7x

Nexer, previously known as Sigma IT, is a technology company with strong roots in Swedish entrepreneurship and innovation. With a global reach, the company operates in 13 countries and has 40 offices worldwide. Like many organizations, Nexer was impacted by Covid-19, which necessitated a shift towards new digital initiatives and key activities.

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Explore this case study with a Nordic bank within ledger, factoring and payments solutions.

“Our organization is today using Howwe in their daily work. By using Howwe we are able to easily prioritize, follow up and keep the focus on the most important activities with the most ROI. Howwe also creates a deeper understanding among leaders and employees what creates real success and that everyone is updated on the goal progress.”

Lars kry Customers about our acceleration software Acceleration software
Lars Kry CEO, Nexer

“PayEx uses Howwe as a tool to visualize and break down the most important goals and activities in our business plan. Everyone in the organization knows what to do to contribute to the progress based on their role.  Howwe creates transparency and enables us to continuously monitor that we succeed in creating a profitable acceleration. With Howwe, we succeed with what’s most important – profitable growth”

Raymond Klavestad Chief Business Area PayEx Ledger & Factoring

“We use Howwe as the goal steering tool in our daily work in order to prioritize and focus on the right activities to achieve our budget and our most important financial goals. Howwe has clarified our focus, increased the individual’s responsibility and makes it easier to create a common view and understanding of what is important.”

lars schenatz Customers about our acceleration software Acceleration software
Lars Schenatz CEO, Tamro

Howwe creates an impact on all levels of an organization

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Howwe is a market-leading software for strategy acceleration

With Howwe companies are able to align their strategy and workforce and identify what needs to be prioritized to reach their Most Important Goals. See how it works.

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