The first two components, Most Important Goals and Company Initiatives, form the strategic part of our methodology. They answer the questions of WHAT we aim to achieve and HOW we aim to achieve it.

90% of strategic initiatives fail in execution – Most due to lack of prioritization

Most Important Goals is the art of prioritizing. Exceptional execution begins with narrowing the focus—pinpointing what must be achieved above all else. You can’t be everywhere at once, and without this focus, other accomplishments lose their significance. This discipline also delves into how to align goals within a hierarchical structure to maintain focus as you move outward.

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Identify your Most Important Goals

Most Important Goals represent the top priorities for any team in your organization – bringing clarity to strategy.

Align top down

Starting with prioritization at the top of your organisation. Most Important Goals are then broken down to every function, department and team – ensuring organizational-wide alignment and creating an understanding of what to focus on, for all.

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Bring transparency to execution

Most Important Goals represent the top priorities for any team in your organization – bringing clarity to strategy.


Company Initiatives is about enabling your focused goals with the most efficient and effective tactics. There are countless paths to the same destination, but it’s crucial to chart the most direct course. Overloading on initiatives can dilute resources and blur focus. The key is to select a few high-impact initiatives and nurture them with the full force of the organization’s resources.

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